Our Team
Our team, consisting of Mark Carr, Michael Coates L.L.B, AlArbA(Juris) and Sharlene Carr, offers a complete brokerage service which includes legal contracting and management of transfers and settlements. We combine our personal fishing industry experience and expertise to provide a friendly, confidential and professional brokerage service.
Mark Carr | Sales Manager
Mark has gained diverse experience in the fishing industry as a local fish merchant and manager of his own fishing boat and through involvement in the Tasmanian Rock Lobster and the Southern Shark and Scale-fishery. Having created an excellent contact network across Southern Australia, Mark is able to bring together buyers and sellers to provide successful, professional and prompt asset sales.
Michael Coates | L.L.B, AlArbA(Juris) & Legal Contracting
As a lawyer based in Port Lincoln, Michael has had over thirty years legal experience and personal involvement with the Australian fishing industry. Michael has a comprehensive understanding of fisheries law and an extensive contact network with fisheries management, licencing, owners, investors and financiers. Michael will ensure that all legal contracting will be performed accurately and efficiently.
Sharlene Carr | Transfers & Settlements
Sharlene has had twenty years experience in the management of fishing assets in the southern fishing industries. She has valuable experience dealing with purchasers, vendors, licencing authorities, accountants and bankers. Sharlene will co-ordinate all transfer and settlement requirements to ensure the stress-free, accurate and punctual transfer of your fishing asset.
Want to chat to a member of our team? Get in touch today to organise a free consultation.